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Become a Volunteer

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Become a Volunteer

Become a Volunteer For KCSSR

We firmly believe that each and every individual has the ability to support and contribute to make this society and world a better place to live in. In this regard, people are allowed to send their help and contribution in their own way. Some choose to donate, or some choose to work with us in the ground levels directly. In case you have always wanted to do a field world in making the lives of poor people better then you are really supposed to join our team whenever you want.

We are really there to appreciate your effort, initiatives and time to the fullest. We are likely to organize different kinds of projects, campaigns, events and initiatives for doing the needful for the distressed souls. Each of the volunteers is there to reach every nook and corner of far-off places to send their voluntary help and co-operation in the segments of education, health and in other issues.

There are two kinds of voluntary programs seen in our organization. If you want to work as a volunteer for some time, then you can let us know, and we will assign you in accordance with that. On the other hand, in case you have the intention of working with us permanently, then you should also tell us. Some of our programs and campaigns run for minimum 1 month to several months.

As per the nature and duration of a program or event, we assign our volunteers. Whether you are a man or woman, you have the option of joining our team. There are separate teams of volunteers in our organizations. Moreover, if you are interested, then you can even come to work as a volunteer at our specific events and campaigns that can last for a day to several days. Apart from this, there are opportunities of doing on-site volunteering in different sites. Such on-sites volunteering needs arise during different kinds of disaster and emergencies.

There are some selection methods for volunteering method. At first, there is some form that you are supposed to fill up using your basic personal data and information. On the other hand, you are also required to send your CV to use. You need to specify your segment of interest like health, education, events, sports, livelihood etc.

In case your skills match with your desired segment of interest, then your application of volunteering is highly likely to be accepted. It is also important for you to let us know for how much time you are to invest for the volunteering or you are to be regular or not. Most importantly, you are required to physically and mentally fit and sound to be working as a volunteer in our NGO.

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